These months have been very busy indeed! I've done many tours through Occitania with readers and several celebs, and have also been able to do some writing. I'm now at chapter 18, more or less halfway through the book.
Here's a sneak preview of the cover of my new book, the sequel to White Lie, which is called "The Eye of Ra".
New radio interview
Also check out my latest radio interview for 'Revelation', a show hosted by author/researcher William Henry.
With William Henry at the Ducs de Joyeuse in Couiza.
Special people
There are still those people who, in spite of their busy life, still make time to fight for good causes. Joseph Corré and his mother, Dame Vivienne Westwood, are both running two different fashion empires. Both are extremely busy, but they always make time to fight against the pollution of our planet and not just by giving money. Joe, for instance, is a social activist. They have my respect. And last month I had the honor of being the private guide to Joe and his uncle Stuart, the brother of the late Malcolm McLaren.
Joe with yours truly on top of Montségur, 17th May 2014.
Still going strong
For some reason, people have been checking me out by the masses. So as a consequence my star rate has gone up with an amazing 1.232.405 places! Very cool. ;-)!
This Summer I will hopefully finish my book, so I will keep you all posted! Have a wonderful Summer everyone! xox
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