Here are some of the photos taken on my journey which took me to Los Angeles, Las Vegas and New York City.

On the Talk Show in Las Vegas.

Liberty and Peace, NYC.

With actor James Gill, authors Victor Smith & Glen Craney, and the amazing Foster Perry and Kristos Tsompanelis, after an unforgettable lunch at the True Food Kitchen,
Santa Monica, LA.

Falling in Love with Santa Monica...

With Paulette Victor-Lifton
Artists Group, Lifton Films, Oracle Post

In Vegas...
At The Empire State Building, Manhattan.

Visiting the "Hands Across Time" prehistoric site at the Red Rock Canyon, Nevada.

At the Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam) on the Nevada/Arizona border.

"White Lie" sold out in 5 minutes at the Talk Show venue in Vegas!

In Vegas...

At The Empire State Building, Manhattan.

Visiting the "Hands Across Time" prehistoric site at the Red Rock Canyon, Nevada.

At the Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam) on the Nevada/Arizona border.

"White Lie" sold out in 5 minutes at the Talk Show venue in Vegas!
The lines are now open to book your seat on the "White Lie Tour 2013". For more information, click here.
Stay tuned for more news!
Photo credits:
Victor Smith, True Food Kitchen, Oracle Post, DeAnne Wolfgram, Beth Tiger, VLB Las Vegas
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