Thursday, November 10, 2011

White Lie - not just a thriller book...

The truth is out there and it is much more unbelievable than fiction. Thirty years ago, ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ exploded at the box office. The adventures of Indiana Jones were pure fantasy but the man he was based on was very real. His name was Otto Rahn.

- The Real Indiana Jones…
- Where the Da Vinci Code stopped…
- Mysterious coincidences
- The Knights Templar’s Secret Quest
- Grail Lore redefined
- The Cathars, the Grail and fairy tales
- The mystical message of ‘White Lie’

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The Real Indiana Jones…
Indiana Jones is a pop-culture phenomenon - Spielberg saw to that - making the charismatic relic hunter, who was willing to risk life and limb to outsmart the Nazi’s and beat them to discovering the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail, impossible to forget.
Was Indy pure fiction?
Not quite.

'White Lie’ is a story about forbidden history, hidden relics and the adventures of a group of people who get involved in something much bigger than themselves. It combines the mission of the Knights Templar - the warrior monks who legends claim discovered a sacred treasure beneath Solomon’s Temple - with the relic hunter Otto Rahn. Rahn’s search for the Holy Grail in the years leading up to WWII chronicled in his book ‘Crusade Against the Grail’ brought him to the attention of Heinrich Himmler. Eventually, Rahn himself became a victim of the Nazi regime, and in ‘White Lie’ he gets to tell his real story. Many respected researchers believe Otto Rahn was the role model for Indiana Jones...

Where the Da Vinci Code stopped…
Jeanne D’Aout has a bit of Indy in her, too. Fascinated by unraveling mysteries at a young age, she settled in a mysterious part of southern France where she befriended author Henry Lincoln, the man whose work inspired Dan Brown to write the Da Vinci Code. Becoming a tour guide in the region, she happened upon many incredible clues that would lead to her amazing discoveries and create the basis for her new book, ‘White Lie’, which is about finding the true Grail.

The success of the Da Vinci Code showed that the world was ready to explore what other parts of history have been hidden from us all. What Dan Brown did for the Bloodline legend, Jeanne D’Août hopes to do for the original teachings of Jesus. Jeanne has made it her life’s work to uncover what was once hidden, connect the dots and with solid research, risk–taking and rolling up her sleeves to bring its fascinating story to light.
She simply continued where the Da Vinci Code stopped...

Mysterious coincidences
Digging for the truth behind the real Otto Rahn, Jeanne read everything available on the subject and talked to people who knew him personally. Stumbling upon an amazing documentary called ‘The Secret Glory’, produced by filmmaker Richard Stanley, Jeanne felt he was someone she had to speak with. It was clear that Richard was an expert on Rahn, the man and his mission, and had gained access to those who knew him best. Mr. Stanley, however, proved virtually impossible to find.

One day, as luck would have it, a friend invited Jeanne to come to Montségur, a mysterious mountain in the South of France. He knew of someone who could show her one of the caves that Otto Rahn visited frequently. Her tour guide, however, turned out to be the elusive filmmaker Richard Stanley himself.
Later, Mr. Stanley generously opened up his Rahn archive to Jeanne, which allowed her to complete White Lie and tell the true story of Otto Rahn, the relic hunter that would one day become the role model for Indiana Jones.

The Knights Templar’s Secret Quest
From 1129 to 1307, the Knights Templar fought fiercely alongside the Crusaders to conquer Jerusalem and take back the Holy Land from the Muslims. The Templars, however, had a second agenda; a secret quest which would later create the far-reaching and romantic myth that they had actually found the Ark of the Covenant beneath Solomon’s Temple. But was it simply a myth, or could there be some truth behind it? ‘White Lie’ looks beyond the myth, following historical clues which would eventually lead to great discoveries.

Grail Lore redefined
The period between the 11th and 14th century was a violent time: the age of the crusades, of wars and plagues. Because life was so bleak during this time, people tended to hold on to their beliefs in the supernatural to give them hope, like the relic of a saint or the tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, especially the tale of Parsifal and the Grail. In this atmosphere, the Grail legends were born. Grail lore was popular because it was a means to hold on to dreams, hope and the possibilities of miracles in a medieval Europe where life itself was hard and short.

The travelling minstrels called the Troubadours were popular all over Europe and especially in the southern provinces of France. They sang of courtly love and chivalry. Thanks to them, the Grail legends were spread all over Europe through their songs. The first story of Parsifal and the Grail and the Wounded Fisher King was told by troubadour Guiot de Provence sometime in the 12th century. Then it was copied and shaped by Chretien de Troyes and only a few decades later by the German writer Wolfram von Eschenbach. Centuries later, Otto Rahn became enamored with the Grail myth and believed there was more to the story than a minstrels song. He felt they were very real and set out to find proof.

The Cathars, the Grail and fairy tales
Otto Rahn followed the Grail path to the south of France, in one hand holding the Parsifal story by Wolfram von Eschenbach and in the other the story of the Cathars of Occitania. To Rahn, the Cathar Castle of Montségur was the Grail castle Montsalvasche from the Parsifal story, and the Cathars themselves were the legendary guardians of the Grail. But instead of a physical Grail, Otto found something much more profound and life-altering. The female principle had been lost since the beginning of Christianity, because from that moment on, God would be seen as a male diety. This original belief in a God that was both divinely male and female has always been guarded by storytellers, artists, painters, sculptors, masons and many secret brotherhoods throughout the centuries, hidden cleverly in paintings, sculptures, architecture and most profoundly in fairy tales.

Otto found out that this lost female principle of God is the true Grail, kept alive in the Hermetic Teachings and by those who had chosen to hold on to a much older form of Christianity. One of these groups, the Cathars, known as the ‘pure ones’, were burned at the stake by the church for these beliefs. Many centuries later, Rahn was transformed by what he had learned and counted himself a believer. His patrons, however, wanted a physical grail and the power it was purported to hold. A relic Rahn just could not find…

The mystical message of ‘White Lie’
Eventually, the path of the author has led her to write ‘White Lie’, weaving these seemingly separate subjects into one big adventurous web. But the book also contains a mystical message for the reader to discover...
The ‘Da Vinci Code’, ‘Angels and Demons’ and ‘The Lost Symbol’ spent many weeks on the NY Times Bestseller list proving there is a critical mass curious about what has been hidden and fiction has proven a clever way to present the facts.

L.J. Marini - New York

“Throughout the ages, good and bad have always fought. The black army against the white army, millennium after millennium, believing that the world would end at some point in time. But what is it all about? Not religion or politics. Not power or possession. It is about conduct. About choice. Love knows no religion, race or politics, for it rules the realm of the heart. The Universe bends because of Love, and the Earth kneels before it, for Love is God.” – Jeanne D’Août

“White Lie reveals more shocking truths than any book since The Da Vinci Code, including the identity of the real Indiana Jones. It would not surprise if it was adapted for the big screen soon.” - Andrew Gough, Writer, TV Personality and Editor in Chief of Mindscape Magazine

Author's Page

Title: White Lie (3rd revised edition)
Author: Jeanne D'Août

On camera
The author is available for interviews and documentaries.
Jeanne has already been interviewed for many radio shows, a TV documentary and a live TV talk show. There are many stunning locations in southern France. Jeanne knows many fabulous places and can help any film crew to get the best shots. We also have a ground operator to help organize film trips (transportation, accommodation, meals, logistics) and have the possibility to open doors (churches and other places that are normally closed to the public).

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.